Network Services
Your servers and network infrastructure (including your LAN) form a crucial link between employees, customers and suppliers. That’s why expert network managing, along with business acumen, is a must.
Our 4-Step, All-Inclusive Process:
- Complete Audit: the entire technology foundation is inspected, including IT systems and Network Infrastructure (all network systems, software and its capabilities, Internet connectivity and application development.)
- Documentation: we provide detailed notes, drawings and analysis.
- Recommendations: suggestions on how to improve overall performance and security.
- Definition: a clear path is outlined, proposing the most effective IT management possible, with an eye on maximizing business performance.
With an approved direction determined, your Virtual IT Department (monitored by an IT specialist), jumps into action. We correct and update where necessary, identify potential problems, and perform preventative maintenance. As a result, information flows at an optimal rate and your business is more consistently productive.

Optimizing Server Utilization with Virtualization
Often, companies run one application per server. That means many servers are running at 10-15% of total capacity. With virtualization, a single purpose server becomes a mutitasker. As a result, you free up dollars that could be invested elsewhere. Furthermore, server virtualization helps you run a greener, more energy-conscience IT operation. You’ll reduce the number of physical servers, decreasing the energy required to power and cool your data center. Your energy bill goes down and your savings grow. Likewise, with fewer physical servers in place, less maintenance is required. Virtual servers pool information; data is routinely backed up and archived, significantly reducing the risk of data loss. And should data need to be restored, it can happen rapidly, lessening downtime.
Information Security
If accidental data loss is disruptive, intentional security breaches can be fatal. Your Virtual IT Department not only monitors your network, but also organizes the latest Information Security (InfoSec) tools and techniques to protect your data from mischief, theft or corporate espionage. Coupled with virtualization, encryption (when necessary) and routine data backup, you can rest assured that your systems and confidential data/process are properly secured.