As we prepare for the upcoming year, it helps to look back over 2018 and put hindsight to good use. Cyber criminals had a remarkable year causing over $1 trillion dollars in damages related to downtime, lost productivity, identity theft, and intellectual property theft. Pick an industry, any industry, and it was subject to a Cyber Security breach of some sort. Large corporations like Health South-East RHF of Norway which had 2.9 million patient records stolen, affecting almost half the country, Aadhar (India’s government database) with person identifiable information and biometric data of over 1.1 billion people was breached, or our very own Facebook allowing user profiles and data of more than 87 million users to be shared without proper consent. RJT Cyber Security Industry Compliance Standards

One thing is certain, it is only a matter of time before YOU find yourself involved in one of these types of cyber security incidents.

In recent years we have been seeing far better tools come out to aid in the detection and prevention of these types of attacks, but most are expensive and require constant monitoring by a skilled cyber-security expert and there are still many other vectors and methods hackers will use to compromise systems. One hacking tool that has been released into the wild is known as Autopwn. This is a point and click hack tool that puts a lot of potential power into the hands of the inexperienced. While the tool was designed for non-nefarious uses, it remains popular for “script kiddies”, since it does not require extensive knowledge of the systems. RJT offers Cyber Security Vulnerability Testing & Monitoring

Most Cyber Security breaches and incidents we have seen were caused by nothing more than carelessness or naivety. Default logins not changed, passwords recycled and reused for multiple systems on multiple accounts, users providing credentials when socially engineered attacks are carried out against a unsuspecting employee. All of the incidents could have been avoided had policies and training been in place to mitigate these known threats. RJT offers Cyber Security Awareness Training

One of our personal favorites involves two very popular devices and happened in the last month. An individual compromised over 50,000 printers to print out an advertisement for a YouTube channel. Round 2 consisted of the user attacking a device most are familiar with, the ChromeCast. Now obviously this particular attack was not incredibly malicious, but think about the businesses that those printers were housed in. You can read about the hack here — link