The new Snipping tool is a great new feature for grabbing a screen shot of a selected portion of your screen, you can save, email or copy
that image.
To Snip a screen:
- Have the screen open that you want to snip
- Select Start/Snipping Tool
- All of the screen will gray out except for the snipping portion
- Click and drag your cursor around the area of the screen you want to snip
- Once you let go of your mouse, that snip is in the Snipping tool, you can now
- Email it, it will put the picture in the body of an email, you can save a copy to your hard drive, or you can copy, then paste into any application
Snap, Peek, Shake – window features:
- Drag the title bar of an application all the way to the left or right of the screen, it will Snap into half of the screen
- Hover your mouse over the Show Desktop button in the bottom right corner of your screen, it will temporarily hide your active windows so you can Peek at your desktop
- Click and literally Shake the title bar of an application, all other open applications will minimize, leaving that the only active one showing.
- Win+Home: Clear all but the active window.
- Win+Space: All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop.
- Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window.
- Shift+Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window vertically.
- Win+Down arrow: Minimize the window/Restore the window if it’s maximized.
- Win+Left/Right arrows: Dock the window to each side of the monitor.
- Shift+Win+Left/Right arrows: Move the window to the monitor on the left or right.